Nebula is a new 667 custom spawn pvp server, with some pvm aspects as well. Our card system allows for lots of customization in terms of pvp and pvm. You can quickly login, and instantly loadout a set to begin pking in our custom wilderness! Our wilderness is filled with bosses, dungeons and much more.
How to get Started[]
Firstly you have to choose your game mode. It is recommended to start as PKer if you wish to jump straight in to PvP. However the other game modes provide a bit more benefits. Once you've chosen your game mode, enter a referral code to receive a free mystery box. You can use ::ref bennie.
To jump straight in to PVP use the command ::gear for a quick loadout.
If you wish to set a custom loadout, head over to your bank and click the bottom left loadout button.
If you'd like to quick teleport to certain locations that require you to go to it often, there are quick-actions/shortcuts that you may use.
- CTRL + G (Opens the global teleports interface)
- CTRL + H (Teleports you to the home area)
- CTRL + S (Teleports you to the slayer camp)
- CTRL + A (Teleports you to the skilling master)
- CTRL + D (Dismisses your pet)
- CTRL + 1,2,3,4 or 5 (Teleports you to the places you've chosen as a "favourite")
- CTRL + 1,2,3,4 or 5 (Assigned when setting up pre-sets in bank)
PvP is one of the best way to earn money, you earn galactic tokens from killing players. You also have a chance of receiving nebula orbs, which gives lots of loot depending on the rarity. Most valueable loots are within the nebula orbs.
Bounty Hunter & Bloodnova Hunter[]
You can participate in bounty hunter, receive emblems and exchange for bounty hunter points. Spend these points in the bounty hunter shop, you can purchase valueable items within it. Same mechanic applies for bloodnova, though you require a bloodnova orb to participate in bloodnova hunter.
::Starter Tasks[]
You can complete a range of starter tasks, only available once per IP. These tasks guide you through the game, and are fairly easy to complete. You'll receive a few weaponry like exo, a vote mystery box and special attack weapons.
Cards System[]
The cards and mastery system is extremely important in Nebula. It is a way to enhance your experience in both PvP and PvM. From the start you'll have received three beginner cards, of which you can equip one. You can equip up to 10 cards, however it all depends on your mastery rank. 2 of those slots are special slots. Special cards can be equipped in those slots. Special cards usually have a great effect, such as an additional hit or lowered vengeance timer.
How to obtain cards:
- Galactic Exchange
- Monster, Boss, World Boss drops
- Bounty & Bloodnova shop
To start equipping more cards, you have to unlock more slots by leveling your mastery rank.
Mastery is a new type of ranked system, that can be leveled up to 32 ranks. They're more so a long term grind and provide lots of benefits. The main benefit of being able to equip more cards. However there's more. Each mastery rank will reward you with items and account-wide benefits. You can access mastery via the Quick Actions tab.
Mastery rank can be leveled by PvP within the home wilderness, and missions.
It is highly recommended to start missions as soon as possible. Missions are a way for you to gain Mastery XP, Mission Points and Rewards such as contracts, galactic tokens and daily mystery box.
Every day you will receive new missions to complete. The higher your mastery rank, the more mastery specific missions you get, with increasing rewards as you level up.
You can open the Missions board via your quest tab in Quick Actions.
You may afk skill freely in this zone, you'll also receive nebulan fragments. They can be exchanged for galactic tokens. It is recommended to park an alt or 2 there for some passive income.
No more than 3 accounts are allowed to train at the afk zone concurrently.
Wilderness Events[]
Wilderness Events There's lots of events which is recommended to participate. Let's list a few that are important.
Nebula Deliveries[]
- Here, you must deliver a package to the delivery npc in the wilderness. To pick-up a pickage, speak to the delivery npc north of home. Once the event is active you can pick-up a package. You can get packages up to legendary. However if you die with them you will lose the package. Once you deliver the package, you receive a nebula orb. The rarity depends on which package you delivered. To check where to deliver, access the events tab in the quest tab.
- You can find the location of a hotspot in your events tab. You gain increased galactic tokens, drop rate and chance for nebula orbs when pvping in Hotspots.
World Bosses[]
- Find out in your events tab, "active events" button when they spawn.
- Most world bosses spawn in the wilderness, it is recommended to try to get loot from them.
Elemental Star[]
- This star is mined and you'll receive elemental dusts from it.
- It is required to upgrade the heirlooms to lvl. 5 and used in a variety of recipes.
Safe Boxes[]
- There are 3 safeboxes scattered in the wilderness. You must have lvl. 60 thieving to crack these boxes
- They're also a good way to make some quick galactic tokens and you have a chance of getting an alchemizer piece.
Slayer is a great way to earn money, but also required to unlock specific monsters. These monsters are only accessible via the wilderness. It is recommended to unlock superiors as fast as possible, since they have a 100% success rate for superior essence. These essence can either be sold to the regular shop, or trading post. They are used as a material in the Titan Forge.
There's a lot more to discover, and we will be updating the wiki as we go!